
Bigger Than Myself began as an emergency management and preparedness blog, but has shifted over time into social media, professional development, and life. But don’t worry, it still spans the gap between, “That’s not gonna happen to me,” and, “We’re all gonna die!!!”

There are about a million ways to be part of something bigger than yourself. This blog is my take on some of those ways, because everyone believes in preparedness, education, and attention to details in life, until they forget what failure feels like.

It takes a community prepared citizens to build truly resilient communities, personally, professionally, and spiritually.  And after all, aren’t we already part of something bigger than ourselves anyway?

About The Author

Tanya Hockett is the Safety and Training Coordinator for the Town of Christiansburg in southwest Virginia where she resides with her husband, three kids, 1 dog and a turtle. Tanya also works as the worship leader at Fieldstone United Methodist Church.  Tanya is passionate about education, training and motivating others to care about their own development, social interactions, safety, and preparedness.  In true social media fashion, the views expressed here are solely hers, but are probably endorsed by everyone, everywhere.

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  1. I was unable to attend your recent webinar held on the 16th, I was in Vegas at the National Association of Broadcasters Convention meeting with the FEMA IPAWS people. I haven’t seen the transcript or recording of the session from the webinar, but would like to if you have a link. The question I had submitted and don’t know if it was answered had to do with the fact that there is ‘no app for a family emergency plan’.

    Here’s the link to our issued business process patent for your review:

    Our plan is to distribute a family emergency plan in accord with the broadcast FM frequency, giving it greater resiliency when compared to cell phone towers in a disaster, natural or intentional.

    If you’re interested in learning more, I’d be happy to schedule a time for us to discuss this opportunity over the phone. My contact info is below.

    Thanks for your time, and the work you do in making families ‘better ready’.

    John R. Eubank
    La Jolla, California 92037
    (619) 241-9958

  2. Hello Tanya,

    My name is Juan Cienfuegos and I had signed up for America’s Prepareathon webcast but unfortunately missed it.

    I would like to share a family preparedness app I have developed and it’s free. The f-Ready (soon to be re-named Visual 911+) app does two things. First it changes your screen into a visual signaling device that does not require network connectivity. Today there is a Texas bill to officially recognize the new signaling system. The system is great for neighbor to signal neighbor or for survivors to signal responders at night to help them locate them faster. The code follows, red = children, green = women, blue = men, yellow = pets, white = catch all. Steady light signal = I’m here & OK, flashing light signal = I’m here and need medical assistance.

    The second thing the f-Ready app does is it transmits an email to 3 family/friends letting them know you are in alert status, the email includes a link to Google maps showing your general GPS location and has instructions to zone in on you by looking for the visual signal coming from the phone or computer screen.

    You can try the f-Ready app at http://www.triagelights.com/f-Ready/app

    I also offer another free app called Disaster ID. This app simply changes the screen into a nighttime visual signaling device.

    I hope you find the information interesting and useful. Please let me know if you would like to start a movement to have the post disaster visual 911 recognized in your State.


    Juan Cienfuegos

  1. Pingback: Easy Ways to Prepare Your Family for Disasters | PreparednessMama

  2. Pingback: Family Preparedness Webinar | Neal Xavier's Blog

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